Documenting Your Keymap
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The Custom Key Map tool provides two options for documenting your key mapping selections.


  1. Generate a key map HTML document.  You can generate a full HTML document that includes all the key mapping options and their corresponding key sequences (if any) by checking the "Generate key map HTML document" box at the bottom of the main form.  When you press the "Save" button it will then generate this document and allow you to view it when it's complete.  All options are always includes for all 5 tabs (main menu, message header/body/footer and after message menu) even if they are not mapped.
  2. Generate a PDF document for user guide info.  You can generate a small PDF document that functions as a quick reference "wallet card" for end user by selecting the "Generate PDF user guide document" option at the bottom of the main form.  When you select the "Save" button it will launch the "wallet card wizard" that will walk you through this process. 


NOTE: Unity 4.2(1) and later support the ability to produce a wallet card for an existing system conversation without first copying the values into a custom key map.  Use the "Generate User Guide PDF" menu option to select one of the system conversations to document and the wallet card wizard will run for that key mapping without affecting your custom key map settings


The Wallet Card wizard can be used to produce a PDF file of a wallet card that can be printed and given to subscribers. The templates in the wizard list frequently used menu options and shortcuts for managing messages and personal options by phone; the wizard fills in the applicable keys based on the conversation that you specify in the Custom Key Map utility. 


The wizard allows you to select the options to include on the card for the Main, During Message, After Message, and Send Message menus. The wizard also allows you to customize technical support information and instructions for accessing the system, and, if applicable, to specify the Send menu style (Streamlined or Standard) displayed on the card. The card is stamped with the date and time of creation, along with applicable details such as the selected conversation, product, configuration and message store, and the Send menu style.


The wizard can be used to create wallet cards for custom conversations and for the Standard conversation, Optional Conversation 1, and Alternate Keypad Mappings N, S, and X.



To Generate a Wallet Card PDF by Using the Wizard

Step 1  Launch the Custom Key Map utility.

Step 2  If you are creating a wallet card PDF for an existing conversation (such as the 

Standard conversation), from the Generate User Guide PDF menu, click the name 

of the conversation to launch the wizard. 


If you are creating a wallet card PDF for a custom conversation, from the Select 

Key Map menu, click the name of the conversation, then check the Generate 

PDF User Guide Document check box and click Save to launch the wizard.

Step 2 Follow the prompts in the wizard.

Step 3 When the wizard has completed, click Finish. The wizard closes and displays the 

PDF directory with the generated file WalletCard.pdf. (If a PDF reader is 

not available on the system, we recommend that you copy the file to a system that 

has a reader to view the file.) 


To create multiple versions of the wallet card, rename the PDF file before you 

rerun the wizard. To overwrite the PDF file, confirm that it is not open in the PDF 

directory before you rerun the wizard.


Before you print cards for distribution, we recommend that you print a test version.


Note the following considerations:


The image below shows an example wallet card PDF generated by the wizard.