![]() |
Cisco Unified Communication Tools |
Version | 1.0.9 |
Last Update | 3/10/2015 |
Statistics | 9 meg EXE self extracting install file. No reboot required. |
Compatibility | Connection 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x Tested on Windows 2008 (32/64), 2012 R2 (32/64), Windows 7 (32/64), Windows 8 (32/64) May require administative rights on Windows client Requires the Informix ODBC drivers to be installed with ADO.NET |
Support | NOT TAC supported |
Current Version | Download Now |
Help | Tool Help |
All videos in H264 Flash format, should play in most modern browsers
These videos show me actually making most of the scripts shown in the Sample Scripts section below providing some more detail and commentary on what's going on.
Python scripting engine overview, goals, data fetch basics | Play video - 11 minutes |
Data fetch intro, writing to logs and files, iterating over a data table | Play video - 12 minutes |
Bulk Call Handler creation - stored procs, error handling | Play video - 12 minutes |
Reading from and using CSV files to update user properties | Play video - 14 minutes |
Creating CSV files from data in Connection | Play video - 12 minutes |
Fetching mailbox size for all users | Play vdieo - 18 minutes |
Get unread voice message counts for all users (builds on mailobox size video) | Play video - 7 minutes |
Update conversation name for all users in a selected Class of Service | Play video - 10 minutes |
Disable alternate greeting for all users in a selected partition | Play video - 14 minutes |
Reports Examples | |
Mailbox Store Report, including scheduling and emailing report results | Play video - 12 minutes |
Inbox Report | Play video - 10 minutes |
Message Activity Report | Play video - 8 minutes |
Transfer Call Billing Report | Play video - 4 minutes |
Call Handler Activity Report | Play video - 14 minutes |
import clr clr.AddReference('System.Data') from System.Data import DataTable
query = 'SELECT FIRST 20 Alias FROM vw_subscriber' dtAlias = Helpers.CreateDataTable(query)
assert dtAlias.Rows.Count>0,"No users found!" print("Processing user count="+ str(dtAlias.Rows.Count))
for row in dtAlias.Rows: print("user="+row['alias'])
import clr clr.AddReference('System.Data') from System.Data import DataTable
#get all users that have an alias that starts with "o"
query = 'SELECT Alias, DTMFAccessID FROM vw_subscriber WHERE alias LIKE ?'
dtAlias = Helpers.CreateDataTable(query,'o%')
assert dtAlias.Rows.Count>0,"No users returned!"
#convert the dataset into a CSV on file.
print('Finished output, users exported='+str(dtAlias.Rows.Count))
import clr clr.AddReference('System.Data') from System.Data import DataTable
userQuery = "SELECT vw_subscriber.Alias, vw_mailboxstoremap.MailDatabase FROM vw_Subscriber, vw_mailboxstoremap, vw_mailboxmap WHERE vw_subscriber.ObjectId = vw_mailboxmap.UserObjectId AND vw_mailboxmap.MailboxStoreObjectId = vw_mailboxstoremap.ObjectId" dtUsers = Helpers.CreateDataTable(userQuery) assert dtUsers.Rows.Count>0,"No users found!"
for user in dtUsers.Rows: mailboxQuery = "SELECT bytesize FROM %s:vw_mailbox WHERE description=?" % user['maildatabase'] size = Helpers.GetSingleValue(mailboxQuery,user['alias']) if (len(size))==0: continue print(user['alias']+" mailbox size="+size)
import clr clr.AddReference('System.Data') from System.Data import DataTable
userQuery = "SELECT vw_subscriber.Alias, vw_mailboxstoremap.MailDatabase, vw_mailboxmap.MailboxId FROM vw_Subscriber, vw_mailboxstoremap, vw_mailboxmap WHERE vw_subscriber.ObjectId = vw_mailboxmap.UserObjectId AND vw_mailboxmap.MailboxStoreObjectId = vw_mailboxstoremap.ObjectId" dtUsers = Helpers.CreateDataTable(userQuery) assert dtUsers.Rows.Count>0,"No users found!"
for user in dtUsers.Rows: messagesQuery="SELECT count(*) FROM %s:vw_message WHERE type=2 AND seen=0 AND mailboxObjectId=?" % user['maildatabase'] count = Helpers.GetCount(messagesQuery,user['MailboxId']) print (user['alias'] + " message count="+str(count))
print ("done")
import clr clr.AddReference('System.Data') clr.AddReference('Cisco.Unity.Connection.PythonScriptingHost') from System.Data import DataTable from System import DateTime from Cisco.Unity.Connection.PythonScriptingHost import ProcDataType
query = 'SELECT vw_Subscriber.Alias, vw_Subscriber.CallHandlerObjectID FROM vw_Subscriber, vw_Partition WHERE vw_Subscriber.PartitionObjectId=vw_Partition.ObjectID AND fn_tolower(vw_Partition.Name)=?' dtUsers = Helpers.CreateDataTable(query,"jeffs test partition")
assert dtUsers.Rows.Count>0,"No users found in partition!"
#use a date in the past for the timeexpires field to disable a greeting
theDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2)
for user in dtUsers.Rows: print ('updating:'+user['alias']) Helpers.StartNewCommand('csp_greetingmodify') Helpers.AddCommandParam('pCallHandlerObjectid',ProcDataType.Char,user['CallHandlerObjectId']) Helpers.AddCommandParam('pGreetingType',ProcDataType.VarChar,'Alternate') Helpers.AddCommandParam('ptimeexpires',ProcDataType.DateTime,"NULL") Helpers.ExecutProc_NoRet()
import clr clr.AddReference('System.Data') clr.AddReference('Cisco.Unity.Connection.PythonScriptingHost') from System.Data import DataTable from Cisco.Unity.Connection.PythonScriptingHost import ProcDataType
cosQuery="SELECT vw_subscriber.Alias, vw_subscriber.ObjectId FROM vw_subscriber, vw_cos WHERE vw_cos.ObjectId = vw_subscriber.CosObjectId AND fn_tolower(vw_cos.DisplayName)=?" dtUsers = Helpers.CreateDataTable(cosQuery,"jeffs test cos")
assert dtUsers.Rows.Count>0,"No users found in that COS"
for user in dtUsers.Rows: print(user['alias']) Helpers.StartNewCommand("csp_SubscriberModify") Helpers.AddCommandParam("pObjectId",ProcDataType.Char,user['objectId']) Helpers.AddCommandParam("pConversationTui",ProcDataType.VarChar,"SubMenu_Alternate_Custom")
try: Helpers.ExecutProc_NoRet() except(Exception, ex): print("Error editing user:"+str(ex)) continue print("user updated!")
import clr clr.AddReference('System.Data') from System.Data import DataTable clr.AddReference('Cisco.Unity.Connection.PythonScriptingHost') from Cisco.Unity.Connection.PythonScriptingHost import ProcDataType
#grab the first call handler template defined to create new handlers with
query="SELECT FIRST 1 ObjectID from vw_CallHandlerTemplate"
assert len(templateObjectId)>0,"No template objectID found"
queryCount="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vw_CallHandler WHERE displayname=?" for x in range(1,100): print(basename+str(x)) count = Helpers.GetCount(queryCount,basename+str(x)) if (count>0): print("Duplicate name!") continue Helpers.StartNewCommand('csp_CallHandlerCreate') Helpers.AddCommandParam('pDisplayName',ProcDataType.VarChar,basename+str(x)) Helpers.AddCommandParam('pTemplateObjectId',ProcDataType.VarChar,templateObjectId) try: newObjectId = Helpers.ExecutProc() except Exception, e: print ('failed creating new handler:%s' % e) continue print (' New objectId ='+newObjectId) print ('Done!')
import clr clr.AddReference('System.Data') clr.AddReference('Cisco.Unity.Connection.PythonScriptingHost') from System.Data import DataTable from System import DateTime from Cisco.Unity.Connection.PythonScriptingHost import ProcDataType Helpers.SetActiveDatabase('UnityDirDb')
#get all users that have a mobile phone alternate extension defined query = "SELECT vw_subscriber.alias, vw_subscriber.CallHandlerObjectId, vw_dtmfaccessid.DtmfAccessId, vw_menuentry.objectid as menuentryobjectid FROM vw_dtmfaccessid, vw_subscriber, vw_menuentry WHERE vw_dtmfaccessid.Parent_SubscriberObjectId =vw_subscriber.ObjectId AND vw_dtmfaccessid.IdIndex=5 AND vw_menuentry.CallHandlerObjectId = vw_subscriber.CallHandlerObjectId AND vw_menuentry.TouchtoneKey='2'" dtDevices = Helpers.CreateDataTable(query) assert dtDevices.Rows.Count>0,"No mobile phone devices found!" print("Mobile Phone Devices ="+ str(dtDevices.Rows.Count)) for device in dtDevices.Rows: print("User="+device['Alias']) #set 2 menu entry key to use alternate transfer number Helpers.StartNewCommand('csp_menuentrymodify') Helpers.AddCommandParam('pCallHandlerObjectId',ProcDataType.Char,device['CallHandlerObjectId']) Helpers.AddCommandParam('pTouchToneKey',ProcDataType.Char,'2') #action type of 7 is transfer to alternate contact number Helpers.AddCommandParam('pAction',ProcDataType.SmallInt,7) Helpers.ExecuteProc_NoRet() print(" 2 key updated to alternate transfer number") #setting the key action to alternate transfer should create an entry for us query = 'select objectid from vw_alternatecontactnumber where menuentryobjectid=?' strContactNumberObjectId = Helpers.GetSingleValue(query,device['menuentryobjectid']) if (strContactNumberObjectId == ""): print(" No alternate contact number slot found for this menu entry") else: #Update existing alternate transfer number to the mobile phone number print(" Updating existing alternate contact number:"+device["dtmfaccessid"]) Helpers.StartNewCommand('csp_alternatecontactnumbermodify') Helpers.AddCommandParam('pObjectId',ProcDataType.Char,strContactNumberObjectId) Helpers.AddCommandParam('pTransferNumber',ProcDataType.VarChar,device['dtmfaccessid']) Helpers.ExecuteProc_NoRet() print("done");
import clr clr.AddReference('System.Data') clr.AddReference('Cisco.Unity.Connection.PythonScriptingHost') from System.Data import DataTable from System import DateTime from Cisco.Unity.Connection.PythonScriptingHost import ProcDataType Helpers.SetActiveDatabase('UnityDirDb') #get all SMTP notification devices that have a non null target email address #this is stored in the "phonenumber" field for legacy reasons query = 'SELECT ObjectId FROM vw_Notificationdevicesmtp WHERE phonenumber is not NULL' dtDevices = Helpers.CreateDataTable(query) assert dtDevices.Rows.Count>0,"No notification devices found!" print("Devices ="+ str(dtDevices.Rows.Count)) for device in dtDevices.Rows: print("Notification device id="+device['ObjectId']) Helpers.StartNewCommand('csp_NotificationDeviceSMTPModify') Helpers.AddCommandParam('pObjectId',ProcDataType.Char,device['ObjectId']) Helpers.AddCommandParam('pStaticText',ProcDataType.LVarChar,'New Static Text') Helpers.ExecuteProc_NoRet() print("done");