Cisco Unified Communication Tools

MediaSense Video Blanking Files

Version   N/A
Last Update   10/17/2013
Statistics   various
Compatibility   MediaSense with Connection 10.0(1) or later.
Support   TAC Supported


Due to differing behavior between some video devices, the use of a ‘blanking’ file is recommended for the Video Greetings feature. The blanking file fills in the video RTP stream when Unity Connection and MediaSense would otherwise not be sending video. Without the blanking file, users may either experience video window closing on the device or the last received video frame freezing on the screen. There is a sample blanking file located at <NEED LINK>.

This file needs to be uploaded to the MediaSense that Unity Connection is integrated with the following information:

Title: CiscoUnityConnectionLogo.mp4
Description: <Enter a brief description>
Filename: CiscoUnityConnectionLogo.mp4

The blanking file must be an MP4 video file with a resolution 640x360 (360p) using H.264 codec at 30 frames per second. The blanking file needs to include an empty or null audio track. MediaSense requires an audio track; however silence is preferred for the blanking file so it does not distract the user during the use of the Video Greetings feature


Default Video Blanking File (Cisco logo, 3 meg): Download