Cisco Unified Communication Tools

Connection 2.0(1) Training Material

Version   N/A
Last Update   9/20/2005
Statistics   Noted for each download
Compatibility   Connection 2.0(1)
Support   TAC supported

All videos are self extracting EXEs that come bundled with an AVI player built in.  Simply download and run, the video will start playing automatically.  You shouldn't need to worry about audio/video codecs or finding a compatible player - it's all built in.

NOTE: These downloads redirect to an internal FTP site - you need to make sure your browser has passive FTP enabled for these downloads to work properly.

Subject Links
DB Proxy Service (for CUC 2.1(1) release) Training Video - 3.8 meg, 7.5 minutes.  This is a training video for off box database access functionality added in the 2.1(1) release of CUC.
Product Overview Training Video - 2.3 meg, 15 minutes
Connection 2.0 architecture



Training Video part 1- 2 meg, 12 minutes

Power Point Slides part 1 - 863 KB

Training Video part 2 - 3 meg, 21 minutes

Power Point Slides part 2 - 722 KB

Setup Training Video - Install - 20 meg, 17 minutes

Training Video - Upgrade and Rollback - 18 meg, 26 minutes

Power Point Slides - Upgrade and Rollback - 1.4 meg

Locale Installer



Training Video Install 2 meg, 2 minutes

Training Video Uninstall 500 KB, 1 minute

Training Video Troubleshooting 4 meg, 5 minutes

Diagnostic Log failure 1 - 7 KB

Diagnostic Log failure 2 - 6 KB

Diagnostic Log failure 3 - 29 KB

Diagnostic Log success - 29 KB

Bulk Administration tool Training video 7.7 meg, 16 minutes

Annotated diagnostic log - 152 KB

CLI Interface Training Video - 12 meg, 21 minutes

PDF Document CLI Appendix A document - 480 KB

Licensing Training Video - 7.7 meg, 9 minutes
Serviceability Features Training Video - 10 meg, 13 minutes
SA Interfaces


Training Video CoRes Overview - 21 meg, 16 minutes (this video was recorded on a Mac - you need Quicktime to view it - sorry about that).

CoRes Overview Power Point Slides - 728 KB

Training Video CoRew How To - 28 meg, 21 minutes (this video was recorded on a Mac - you need Quicktime to view it - sorry about that).

CoRes How To Power Point Slides - 728 KB

Training Video - Bulk Edit 8 meg, 15 minutes

Meeting Place Express Integration Training video Configuration 3.9 meg, 5 minutes

Training video Functionality 4.3 meg, 5 minutes

Training video Troubleshooting 10 meg, 12 minutes

Annotated diagnostic log - 152 KB

Media Interface Unity (MIU)



MIU Training Video 25 meg 20 minutes.

MIU Power Point Slides 410 KB

MIU Diagnostic Log 106 KB

Mixer Training Video 13 meg, 19 minutes.

Mixer Power Point Slides 176 KB

Disaster Recovery Service Script Training Video 7.5 meg, 12 minutes


Messaging Overview Power Point slides 1.3 Meg

Training video Architecture 26 meg, 16 minutes

Training video troubleshooting 42 meg, 21 minutes

Annotated diagnostic logs 108 KB

Migration Utility Training Video 8.7 meg, 18 minutes

Annotated Diagnostic Log 193 KB

Phone View (visual message locator)



Training Video - configuration 8 meg, 7 minutes.

Power Point Slides - configuration 700 KB

Training Video - troubleshooting 15 meg, 15 minutes.

Power Point Slides - troubleshooting - 737 KB

Training Video - usage 1.8 meg, 2.5 minutes.

Power Point Slides - usage 700 KB

Video - Phone View TUI usage example (this video requires the XVID codec)

Video - Phone View VUI usage example (this video requires the XVID codec)

RSS Inbox Reader feature


Training Video 8 meg, 13 minutes

Training Video - RSS clients 4.3 meg - 8 minutes.

Annotated diagnostic logs 85 KB

Off Box Windows based tools


Training Video - Remote Port Status Monitor 17 meg, 33 minutes

Training Video - Data Link for Informix (CUDLI) 18 meg, 21 minutes

Training Video - CDE Studio conversation script editor 19 meg,14 minutes

Touch Tone Conversation Troubleshooting


Training Video - 11 minutes, 16 minutes

Overview Document - 38 KB

Annotated diagnostic log - 425 KB

Voice Driven Conversation Troubleshooting Training Video 22 meg, 18 minutes

Power Point Slides 717 KB



Training Video 22 meg, 20 minutes.

Annotated diagnostic log - MTA - 17 KB

Annotated diagnostic log - SMTP - 13 KB

Connection 2.0 database


Training Video 11 meg, 24 minutes

Power Point Slides 788 KB

ZIPed PDF of data dictionary of UnityDirDB database - 11 meg

VMWare image of CUC 2.0(1)


This is an internal only VMWare image that has a development install of the release build of Unity Connection 2.0(1) stand alone in it.  This install has root access enabled and has the ports open for using off box tools such as CUDLI and CDE Studio noted above in the tools training. 

system login = "root", pw="cisco".

Admin login = "CCMAdministrator", pw="ecsbulab"

VMWare Image - 5.5 gig ZIP file - CUC201_dev.ZIP is the file you want.  VMWare 5.5 workstation or the free VMWare Player 2.0 required.

Training Video - setup tips for VMware on Windows 2000/2003 - 5 meg, 12 minutes

Training Video - Setting up a software SIP phone for use with the VMWare install - 2.5 meg, 4 minutes

Training Video - Using an IMAP mail client with the VMWare install - 3 meg, 3.5 minutes

Training Video - Using an RSS feed with the VMWare install - 3 meg, 3.5 minutes

Training Video - Using the PCA with the VMWare install - 1 meg, 1.5 minutes

VMWare image of CUC 2.1(1)


This is an internal only VMWare image that has a development install of the release build of Unity Connection 2.1(1) stand alone in it.  This install has root access enabled and has the ports open for using off box tools such as CUDLI and CDE Studio noted above in the tools training. 

system login = "root", pw="cisco".

Admin login = "CCMAdministrator", pw="ecsbulab"

VMWare Image - 5.8 gig ZIP file - CUC211VMWare.ZIP is the file you want.  VMWare 5.5 workstation or the free VMWare Player 2.0 required.

See the training videos for the 2.0(1) VMWare image for tips on how to use this for dev and testing purposes.